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Z.H.Sun and Z.W.Sun, Fibonacci numbers and Fermat's last theorem, Acta Arithmetica 60(1992),no.4, 371-388. MR 93e:11025, Zbl.0725.11009.

作者: 来源: 日期:2019/09/23 11:28:23 人气:

上一篇:Z.H.Sun, Notes on quartic residue symbol and rational reciprocity laws (Chinese), J. Nanjing Univ. Math. Biquarterly 9(1992),no.1,92-101. MR 94b:11007, Zbl.0791.11001.(List of the results)

下一篇:Z.H.Sun, Maximum size of graphs with girth not less than a given number (Chinese), J. Nanjing Univ. 27(1991),Special Issue,43-50,146. MR 93b:05086. (List of the main results)