Special functions(特殊函数).
89. Z.H. Sun, On the properties of invariant functions,Bull. Sci. Math. 189(2023), Art. 103347, 24pp.
88. Z.H. Sun and D. Ye, Quartic congruences and eta products, Bull. Iran. Math. Soc. 49(2023), no.5, Art.67, 25pp.
87. Z.H. Sun, Congruences for sums involving products of three binomial coefficients, Rev. Real Acad. Cienc. Exactas Fis. Nat. Ser. A-Mat. 117(2023), no.3, Art.131, 26pp.
86. Z.H. Sun, Congruences for certain families of Apery-like sequences, Czech. Math. J. 72(2022), no.147, 875-912.
85. Z.H. Sun, Supercongruences involving Apery-like numbers and binomial coefficients, AIMS Math. 7(2022), no.2, 2729-2781.
84. Z.H. Sun, Supercongruences and binary quadratic forms, Acta Arith. 199(2021), no.1, 1-32.
83. Z.H. Sun, Ramsey numbers for trees II, Czech. Math. J. 71(2021), no. 146, 351-372.
82. Z.H. Sun, Representations by linear combinations of triangular numbers, J. Ramanujan Math. Soc. 35(2020), no.4, 373-389.
81. Z.H. Sun, Transformation formulas for the number of representations of n by linear combinations of four triangular numbers, Bull. Aust. Math. Soc. 102(2020), no.1, 39-49.
80. Z.H. Sun, Congruences involving binomial coefficients and Apéry-like numbers, Publ. Math. Debrecen 96(2020), no. 3-4, 315-346.
79. Z.H. Sun,New supercongruences involving products of two binomial coefficients, Bull. Aust. Math. Soc. 101(2020), no. 3, 367-378.
78. Z.H. Sun, The number of representations of n as a linear combination of triangular numbers, Int. J. Number Theory 15(2019), no. 6, 1191-1218.
77. Z.H. Sun, Ramanujan's theta functions and sums of triangular numbers, Int. J. Number Theory 15(2019), no.5, 969-989.
76. Z.H. Sun, Super congruences for two Apéry-like sequences, J. Difference Equ. Appl. 24(2018), no.10, 1685-1713.
75. Z.H. Sun, Congruences for sums involving Franel numbers, Int. J. Number Theory 14(2018), no. 1, 123-142.
74. Z. H. Sun, A kind of orthogonal polynomials and related identities, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 456(2017), no.2, 912-926.
- 73. Z. H. Sun, Some further properties of even and odd sequences, Int. J. Number Theory 13 (2017), no.6, 1419-1442.
- 72. X.J. Ji and Z.H. Sun, Congruences for Catalan-Larcombe-French numbers, Publ. Math. Debrecen 90(2017), no.3-4, 387-406.
- 71. Z. H. Sun, Identities and congruences for Catalan-Larcombe-French numbers, Int. J. Number Theory 13(2017), no.4, 835-851.
- 70. M. Wang and Z. H. Sun, On the number of representations of n as a linear combination of four triangular numbers II, Int. J. Number Theory 13(2017), no.3, 593-617.
- 69. Z. H. Sun, Some relations between t(a,b,c,d;n) and N(a,b,c,d;n), Acta Arith. 175(2016), no.3, 269-289.
- 68. M. Wang and Z.H. Sun, On the number of representations of n as a linear combination of four triangular numbers, Int. J. Number Theory 12(2016), no.6, 1641-1662.
- 67. Z. H. Sun, Supercongruences involving Euler polynomials, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 144(2016), no.8, 3295-3308.
- 66. Z. H. Sun, Supercongruences involving Bernoulli polynomials, Int. J. Number Theory 12(2016), no.5, 1259-1271.
- 65. X. J. Ji and Z. H. Sun, Two properties of Catalan-Larcombe-French Numbers, J. Integer Seq. 19(2016), A16.3.4, 13 pp.
- 64. Z.H.Sun, Cubic congruences and sums involving
, Int. J. Number Theory 12(2016), no.1, 143-164.
- 63. Z.H.Sun, Super congruences concerning Bernoulli polynomials, Int. J. Number Theory 11(2015), no.8, 2393-2404.
- 62. Z.H.Sun, Quartic residues and sums involving
, Taiwanese J. Math. 19(2015), no.3, 803-818.
- 61. Z.H.Sun, Congruences for Domb and Almkvist-Zudilin numbers, Integral Transforms Spec. Funct. 26(2015), no.8, 642-659.
- 60. Z.H.Sun, L.L. Wang and Y.L. Wu,Turan's problem and Ramsey numbers for trees, Colloq. Math. 139(2015), no.2, 273-298.
- 59. Z.H.Sun, Congruences for q[p/8] (mod p) under the condition 4n2p=x2+qy2, Int. J. Number Theory 11(2015), no.4, 1301-1312.
- 58. Z.H.Sun, New reciprocity laws for octic residues and nonresidues, J. Number Theory 147(2015), no.3, 694-707.
- 57. Z.H.Sun, Generalized Legendre polynomials and related supercongruences, J. Number Theory 143(2014), no.3, 293-319.
- 56. Z.H.Sun, Congruences concerning Lucas sequences, Int. J. Number Theory 10(2014), no.3, 793-815.
- 55. Z.H.Sun, Legendre polynomials and supercongruences, Acta Arith. 159(2013), no.2, 169-200.
- 54. Z.H.Sun, Congruences concerning Legendre polynomials III, Int. J. Number Theory 9(2013), no. 4, 965-999.
- 53. Z.H.Sun, On the quartic character of quadratic units, Acta Arith. 159(2013), no.1, 89-100.
- 52. Z.H.Sun, Congruences for q[p/8] (mod p), Acta Arith. 159(2013), no.1, 1-25.
- 51. Z.H.Sun, Congruences concerning Legendre polynomials II, J. Number Theory 133(2013), no. 6, 1950-1976.
- 50. Z.H.Sun, Congruences involving
, J. Number Theory 133(2013), no.5, 1572-1595.
- 49. Z.H.Sun, Some properties of a sequence analogous to Euler numbers, Bull. Austral. Math. Soc. 87(2013), no.3, 425-440.
- 48. Z.H.Sun, Some inversion formulas and formulas for Stirling numbers, Graphs and Combinatorics 29(2013), no.4, 1087-1100.available online on March 17, 2012.
- 47. Z.H.Sun and L.L.Wang, An extension of Stern's congruence, Int. J. Number Theory 9(2013), no.2, 413-419.
- 46. Z.H.Sun, Ramsey numbers for trees, Bull. Austral. Math. Soc. 86(2012), no.1, 164-176.
- 45. Z.H.Sun, Identities and congruences for a new sequence, Int. J. Number Theory 8(2012), no.1, 207-225.
- 44. Z.H.Sun, Congruences for sequences similar to Euler numbers, J. Number Theory 132(2012), no.4, 675-700.
- 43. Z.H.Sun, Constructing x2 for primes p=ax2+by2 , Adv. in Appl. Math. 48(2012), no.1, 106-120. MR2012k:11041.
- 42. Z.H.Sun and L.L.Wang, Turan's problem for trees, J. Combin. Number Theory 3(2011), no.1, 51-69.
- 41. Z.H.Sun, Congruences for
, Acta Arith. 149(2011), no.3, 275-296.MR2012f:11006, Zbl 1238.11005.
- 40. Z.H.Sun, Congruences concerning Legendre polynomials, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 139(2011), no.6, 1915-1929. MR2012c:11007, Zbl 1225.11006.
- 39. Z.H.Sun, On the number of representations of n by ax2+by(y-1)/2, ax2+by(3y-1)/2 and ax(x-1)/2+by(3y-1)/2, Acta Arith. 147(2011), no.1, 81-100. MR2012c:11090, Zbl 1221.11098.
- 38. Z.H.Sun, Binary quadratic forms and sums of triangular numbers, Acta Arith. 146(2011), no.3, 257-297. MR2012b:11058. Zbl 1222.11051.
- 37. Z.H.Sun, Euler numbers modulo 2n, Bull. Aust. Math. Soc. 82(2010), no.2, 221-231. MR2011i:11031. Zbl 1203.11027.
- 36. Z.H.Sun, On the number of representations of n by ax(x-1)/2+by(y-1)/2, J. Number Theory 129(2009), no.5, 971-989. available online on February 7, 2009. MR2010j:11061.
- 35. Z.H.Sun, Quartic, octic residues and Lucas sequences, J. Number Theory 129(2009), no.3, 499-550. available online on December 11, 2008. MR 2009k:11006. Zbl 1183.11001.
- 34. Z.H.Sun, The expansion of
, Acta Arith. 134(2008), no.1, 11-29. MR2009j:11064.
- 33. Z.H.Sun, On the quadratic character of quadratic units, J. Number Theory 128(2008), no.5, 1295-1335. available online on November 7, 2007. MR 2009c:11006. Zbl 1137.11003.
- 32. Z.H.Sun, Congruences involving Bernoulli and Euler numbers, J. Number Theory 128(2008), no.2, 280-312. available online on March 27, 2007. MR 2008m:11044. Zbl 1154.11010.
- 31. Z.H.Sun, Congruences involving Bernoulli polynomials, Discrete Math. 308(2008), no.1, 71-112. available online on March 24, 2007. MR 2009a: 11048. Zbl. 1138.11006.
- 30. Z.H.Sun, Cubic residues and binary quadratic forms, J. Number Theory 124(2007), no.1, 62-104. MR 2008c:11006. Zbl 1124.11006.
- 29. Z.H.Sun, A criterion for polynomials to be congruent to the product of linear polynomials (mod p), Fibonacci Quart. 44(2006), no.4, 326-329. MR 2008c:11005.
- 28. Z.H.Sun, On the number of incongruent residues of
modulo p, J. Number Theory 119(2006), no.2, 210-241. MR 2007f:11003.
- 27. Z.H.Sun, Expansions and identities concerning Lucas sequences, Fibonacci Quart. 44(2006), no.2, 145-153.MR 2007h:11023.
- 26. Z.H.Sun, Primality tests for numbers of the form
, Fibonacci Quart. 44(2006), no.2, 121-130. MR 2007f:11141.
- 25. Z.H.Sun and K.S. Williams, Ramanujan identities and Euler products for a type of Dirichlet series, Acta Arithmetica 122(2006), no. 4, 349-393. MR 2007d:11053.
- 24. Z.H.Sun and K.S. Williams, On the number of representations of n by
, Acta Arithmetica 122(2006), no. 2, 101-171. MR 2008d:11032, Zbl 1095.11024.
- 23. Z.H.Sun, On the properties of Newton-Euler pairs, J. Number Theory 114(2005), no.1, 88-123. MR 2006g:11028.
- 22. Z.H.Sun, Quartic residues and binary quadratic forms, J. Number Theory 113(2005), no.1, 10-52. MR 2006a:11002. Zbl 1101.11003.
- 21. Z.H.Sun, Cubic and quartic congruences modulo a prime, J. Number Theory 102(2003),no.1, 41-89. MR 2004e:11004, Zbl 1033.11003.
- 20. Z.H.Sun, Values of Lucas sequences modulo primes, Rocky Mountain J. Math. 33(2003),no.3,1123-1145. MR 2005c:11005. Zbl 1076.11009.
- 19. Z.H.Sun, Consecutive numbers with the same Legendre symbol, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.130(2002),no.9, 2503-2507. MR 2003d:11008, Zbl.1003.11001.
- 18. Z.H.Sun, Five congruences for primes, Fibonacci Quart.40(2002),no.4,345-351. MR 2003k:11004, Zbl.1009.11004.
- 17. Z.H.Sun, Bernoulli numbers modulo
(Chinese), J. Huaiyin Teachers College(Nat.Sci.Edit.)1(2002),no.1,13-15.
- 16. Z.H.Sun, Linear recursive sequences and powers of matrices, Fibonacci Quart.39(2001),no.4, 339-351. MR 2002f:11013, Zbl.1003.11002.
- 15. Z.H.Sun, Invariant sequences under binomial transformation, Fibonacci Quart.39(2001),no.4, 324-333. MR 2002f:11012, Zbl.0987.05013.
- 14. Z.H.Sun, Supplements to the theory of quartic residues, Acta Arithmetica 97(2001),no.4, 361-377. MR 2002c:11007. Zbl 1049.11007.
- 13. Z.H.Sun, Congruences concerning Bernoulli numbers and Bernoulli polynomials, Discrete Appl. Math. 105(2000),no.1-3,193-223. MR 2001m:11022,Zbl.0990.11008.
- 12. Z.H.Sun, The inverse matrices, spectral condition numbers and invertible conditions of cyclic matrices (Chinese), J. Huaiyin Teachers College 21(1999), no.3, 6-13.
- 11. Z.H.Sun, On the theory of cubic residues and nonresidues, Acta Arithmetica 84(1998),no.4, 291-335. MR 99c:11005, Zbl.0912.11002.
- 10. Z.H.Sun, Congruences for Bernoulli numbers and Bernoulli polynomials, Discrete Mathematics 163(1997),no.1-3,153-163. MR 98b:05001,Zbl.0872.11012.
- 9. Z.H.Sun, A supplement to the binomial inversion formula(Chinese), J. Nanjing Univ. Math. Biquarterly 12(1995),no.2,264-271. MR 97d:05009, Zbl.0871.11012.(List of the main results)
- 8. Z.H.Sun, The combinatorial sum
and its applications in number theory III(Chinese), J. Nanjing Univ. Math. Biquarterly 12(1995),no.1,90-102. MR 96g:11017,Zbl.0862.11023. (List of the results)
- 7. Z.H.Sun, The combinatorial sum
and its applications in number theory II(Chinese), J. Nanjing Univ. Math. Biquarterly 10(1993),no.1,105-118. MR 94j:11021, Zbl.0808.11016. (List of the results)
- 6. Z.H.Sun, The combinatorial sum
and its applications in number theory I(Chinese), J. Nanjing Univ. Math. Biquarterly 9(1992),no.2,227-240. MR 94a:11026, Zbl.0783.11010. (List of the results)
- 5. Z.H.Sun, Notes on quartic residue symbol and rational reciprocity laws (Chinese), J. Nanjing Univ. Math. Biquarterly 9(1992),no.1,92-101. MR 94b:11007, Zbl.0791.11001.(List of the results)
- 4. Z.H.Sun and Z.W.Sun, Fibonacci numbers and Fermat's last theorem, Acta Arithmetica 60(1992),no.4, 371-388. MR 93e:11025, Zbl.0725.11009.
- 3. Z.H.Sun, Maximum size of graphs with girth not less than a given number (Chinese), J. Nanjing Univ. 27(1991),Special Issue,43-50,146. MR 93b:05086. (List of the main results)
- 2. Z.H.Sun, A class of problems of Turan type (Chinese), J. Nanjing Univ. Math. Biquarterly 8(1991),no.1,87-98. MR 92m:05106. (List of the results)
- 1. Z.W.Sun and Z.H.Sun, Some results on covering systems of congruences (Chinese), J. Southwest Teachers Univ. (Nat.Sci.Edit.)(1987), no.1, 10-15. Zbl.0749.11018.